Omenuko Charity Foundation


Omenuko Charity Foundation

"Putting smiles on people's faces " Proverbs 15 Vs 13 and Acts 9 Vs 36



Omenuko Charity Foundation  is a duly registered nonprofit and nonpolitical organization in Nigeria with registration No:R C. 7150536 formed in 2023 registered with Nigeria Corporate Affairs Commission . The foundation was established out of patriotic spirit, to contribute to the welfare of underprivileged children, youth and women, with a focus on their healthy development.  Omenuko Charity Foundation Our primary goal is on education while our secondary goal is on program of economic empowerment and health awareness programs in Africa..


There are lots of benefits and reasons why you should visit the orphanage but the most important reason for doing that is to be human.

Yes! To be human.

 Albert Schweitzer said “The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others”.

And the bible said in James 1:27 “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” As a religious person from any religion be it: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism  it is written somewhere in there various scriptures on  how visiting the orphans is a religious thing to do.

Visiting the orphanage can help change your perspective towards life, it can inspire you to become a better person

This feeling for me comes naturally when you visit the orphanage, you will see the other way of life. You will understand how lucky you are, how blessed you are to have found a place you call home and have people who you associate with and who are always there for you. It will make you understand that life is indeed deep.

An evidence of this was during my first year in higher institution I hosted a show, during the show I talked about how important it is for people to visit the orphanage. My classmates and I decided to make a group tour to the orphanage near our institution.  After the visitation that day, some of my classmates turned a new leaf and some thanked me because it was actually their first time visiting the orphanage. They were so grateful and in their word “the orphanage has changed my perspective about life”. From that time onwards, some of them made it their task to visit the children there at least once in two months while some once in a month.

When we visited, we didn’t just go, gave them things and left but rather, we spent quality time with them: washed their clothes, swept the place and played with the children.

Visiting the orphanage will make you realize that materialistic things doesn’t give happiness
When you visit the children you will realize that some of them has so many things in their possession but yet they are not happy. Their happiness comes from the love you show them, the quality time you spend with them, the morals and values you impact in them while teaching them and how often you visit them.

    Happiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Norman MacEwen

Visiting the orphanage reminds you how much blessing you have in your possession
Do you know that parents are blessing from God? Well! Some people don’t know how blessed they are to have people they call parent, to have a place they call home and people they call family. When you visit the children and see how they stay, how they feel when you are leaving them, the way they talk and wish they had parents, I promise you, if you don’t value your parents before, you must turn a new leaf.

Visiting the orphanage will show you the value of love
Some of us don’t believe there is something called love, love has been in existence long before we were born or even created. When you visit the children and see the love in their eyes, how they value and cherish your presence, you will no longer doubt the existence of love. That is if you don’t believe the scripture when it said “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son John 3:16” . You will learn the importance and value of love when you visit these children.


Working towards creating opportunities for children, youth and women to have benefit in the realm of education, quality health care delivery and programs of economic empowerment through its initiatives.


To see a society where children, youth and women have access to social amenities in relation to good health care delivery, economic empowerment and sound education irrespective of their gender or religion.



Make Donation

Help us by making donation


When you donate, you not only give money, but also share your love, and give hope to those in need.


Become a Volunteer


We depend on volunteers from our local community, joining us you can both gain experience and help others.


Collect Fund All Over the World


We gather voluntary contributions to help
schools, churches, and other non-profit

Upcoming Event


Omenuko Charity Foundation is seeking partnership with Humanatarian organisations in achieving it goals and objectives



What we do

Omenuko charity foundation AKA OMENUKO FOUNDATION has the following humanitarian faces 


Legal Aid/Human rights protection
Skills Aquisition and General Support


We distribute free school supplies to under privileged children in public schools.Scholarship programme for youth and women in higher institutions in Nigeria

Legal Aid/Human rights protection
Skills Aquisition and General Support

Our Gallery


We hope to make this world happier

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